An Electronic Balance Would Have Been More Accurate Than A Beam Balance A

Balance Beam Situation
Vernier caliper would have been more appropriate in this situation.  An electronic balance would have been more accurate than a beam balance.  A spring compression balance could have been attached to the object to measure the apparent weight and the weight in the liquid.  Overflow can could have been used in order to get accurate liquid displaced. Object is immersed in the overflow can, another beaker resting on an electronic balance is used. Displaced liquid flows from the overflow can to the other beaker resting on the balance.  Splashing could have caused some inaccurate measurement. Hence, the object was gently submerged into the beaker.  Error due to parallax error lead to some inaccurate measurement. This was prevented with the eye level to the scale of the ruler, balance.  A graph of W vs V could have been plotted to test the relationship with the slope being density of water.

You will have the chance to 'show off' your problem solving skills while showing others how to transform disappointments and tough situations into a positive learning tool! Through your gentle approach, you gain control of a bothersome situation, which takes your confidence and spirit to new heights. You obtain popularity with your strength and attract many admirers along the way. Your general well-being improves dramatically as happiness and joy increases! You shine brilliantly as you beam with positive energy! CANCER (June 21-July 22) Ten of Pentacles: Blessings from the heavens ground the world that you have been building. The time and energy that has been invested, is finally beginning to shape itself. The meaning of self-respect and wealth takes on a whole new meaning as you move on to the next level in life. Before the new journey begins, you take some time for yourself to spend quality time enjoying the fruits of your prosperous labor, most likely with loved ones.

A gift to the self, or an addition to your home secures this feeling of personal satisfaction. Advancement in work and finances, along with spiritual growth, is the icing on the cake! LEO (July 23-August 22) Three of Swords: An unpleasant impression regarding the past or a separation may have you experiencing worry and gloom. Although it may feel as if the sorrow is embedded, it isn't. It would be beneficial to your well-being to communicate your emotions to a trusted person, or to express yourself through a creative pursuit. Transmitting negative energy away from ourselves, allows it to be absorbed by the Universe, to be transformed into something more positive and useful. If you continue to bury and camouflage your emotions, change struggles to happen. Allow the truth to set you free, face your fears, and allow the healing to begin. VIRGO (August 23-September 22) King of Cups: You are making some adjustments in your life, as you find your sensitivities to be in much better control.

You are quite comfortable with yourself and your decisions for progress. You feel blessed and enjoy the soothing comfort of internal love. Simply 'be-ing', sends off therapeutic vibrations that attract warmth and friendship into your life. You are fueling yourself with some of this great energy to express yourself through a creative project. Compassion and your ability to forgive is golden, and it's filling you with the power of love. You conquer illusions and become the master of your own universe. LIBRA (September 23-October 22) Five of Wands: You are experiencing a great desire for change and movement. Frustration happens as you try to reach for the future, while you still clinging tightly to old patterns, and your past. It is time to quit thinking about your goals, and simply taking action toward them. Courage and willpower will overcome challenges and uncertainties. It is time to weed out the unnecessary, so that you can chase life once again! Rather than relying on the same old methods, try something new and unfamiliar - to get the excitement that you have been searching for. There is much growth waiting for you! SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Ace of Cups: A form of emotional wellness and love is being created, and it resembles a new manifestation of happiness! This beautiful energy is completely overwhelming, allowing your inner joy to glow brilliantly - on the outside too! An abundance of imagination and passion is giving your soul a whole new vision on the way you perceive the world around you. Everything seems to be coming up in roses! The timing is right to relax and allow yourself to flow toward higher waters, becoming vulnerable to heaven's blessings!

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