Brushing Teeth With Baking Soda Toothpaste

Baking Powder Teeth Whitening
Sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda is a common household product that has many uses around the home, from simple cleaning to eliminating unwanted smells. But did you know that Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda in layman’s term is an active ingredient in many toothpastes and teeth-whitening products, This active ingredient is just within household reach and it’s usually part of the best whitening toothpaste formula. For over 150 years, baking soda has been used as a tooth cleanser. According to their abrasiveness, toothpastes are rated on a scale from 0 - 200. This is known as the RDA value (Relative Dentin Abrasiveness). The RDA of Pure baking soda is rated as 7. An RDA of 35 is the closest to baking soda which Arm & Hammer baking soda toothpaste possesses. The RDA’s for other toothpastes in the market today are getting higher and higher. Whitening Teeth With Baking Soda - What Is Your Experience, Brushing teeth with baking soda aids in dislodging plaque built up on the teeth aside from giving you a brighter smile. Common beverages such as coffee, red wine, soda and tea and smoking cigarettes are major contributors to staining of the teeth.

In addition to this, plaque accumulates and causes yellowish discoloration. Plaque contributes to dental decay and cavity formation and must be removed on a regular basis. Removal of plaque prevents a person from having bad breath. Baking soda is effective for both problems and has a bleach-like action resulting in effective whitening of teeth. Baking soda is perhaps the most affordable ingredient with a combination of tooth cleaner and whitener. A single box generally lasts for over one hundred brushes and costs around one dollar only. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a white, crystalline powder which is slightly alkaline in nature. When dissolved in water, this weakly alkaline releases free radicals (molecules that are very unstable and seek to bond to other molecules to increase their stability). When baking soda is placed in the mouth, free radicals from the mixture interact with the stain molecules on the teeth enamel (protective coating) and oxidize or scrapes off the yellow and brown stains on the teeth. Thus, it breaks down the discoloration of the teeth resulting in brightening and whitening.

The alkaline baking soda aids in neutralizing acidic bacterial wastes and facilitates an alkaline environment in your mouth that decay-causing bacteria do not develop well in. The rule of thumb is that, the higher the pH of the mouth the better for our teeth. Although you can buy toothpastes containing baking soda easily in the market today, brushing your teeth with pure baking soda is still the most affordable and easiest way test whether baking soda can help your teeth. Here are the basics and alternative methods on how to get a whiter teeth with baking soda. Mix the baking soda with water. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of water in small cup or basin. Mix well until a paste like appearance occurs. Dip the toothbrush in the baking soda and try to get as much baking soda to stick to it as possible. Brush your teeth with a time span of one to two minutes.

Start brushing the biting surfaces of the teeth first and concentrate on getting the brush into all the cracks and fissures. Brush for 15 seconds or so to allow mixing of the baking soda and saliva until it become creamy. Placing powder directly on the gums before allowing it to mix with the saliva can irritate the gums. Be sure to brush your teeth not longer than two minutes, as baking soda being a mild abrasive, can wear away teeth enamel. Brush the tongue for 20 seconds as well. Many germs can be found living on the tongue. Also, be aware that baking soda has an unpleasant taste. Rinse thoroughly. Spit the baking soda out and rinse your mouth with water or preferably mouthwash. This will give the mouth a fresh, minty taste, removing the aftertaste of baking soda. Rinse your toothbrush as well. Repeat every other day. The process of brushing your teeth with baking soda every other day for one or two weeks aids in whitening your teeth and a slight difference can be observe in just a few days.

After a couple of weeks of brushing with baking soda every second day, you should shift back to doing it just once or twice a week. The abrasive properties of the baking soda may damage the enamel on your teeth if used too frequently. Baking Soda and Vinegar. Dissolve first the baking soda in water and add a few drops of white vinegar and a pinch of salt. Brush for two minutes and rinse thoroughly. Baking Soda and Strawberry. Strawberries contain powerful anti-oxidant properties and work in harmony with whitening teeth. Mash up one whole ripe strawberry into a pulp and then add enough baking soda to make a paste. Apply to your toothbrush and brush for two minutes. Rinse mouth and toothbrush thoroughly. Baking Soda and Toothpaste. Mix a small amount of baking soda with your desired toothpaste to make a paste. Dip toothbrush into the paste (an alternative is to simply sprinkle baking soda on top of the toothpaste on your brush). Brush for two minutes and rinse thoroughly. Hydrogen Peroxide Teeth Whitening With Baking Soda.

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