For a long time, I have been a fan of natural remedies and it is a frequent habit of mine to delve deep into the science journals looking for the scientific proof that these natural methods do actually work. I also learn from the wisdom of my Grandmother and others. Even before my diagnosis, I was quite aware of the fact that diabetes can be reversed by eating the right foods and by other natural means. I knew there were natural ways to lower blood sugar and I knew they really worked. With all the extra sugar circulating through my veins, that old expression, "When life gives you lemons, make lemon-aid!" never had more meaning. I became motivated to turn a negative into a positive. With my doctors still talking about adding additional diabetes medications to lower my blood sugar, I made the decision to radically change my diet, make certain lifestyle changes, and try to beat my diabetes by natural means. I told my doctors what I wanted to do and I found one doctor who was willing to work with me, although even he seemed a tad skeptical.
I assured him I was very serious and hard headed enough to make it work. He laughed at that and said, "we'll see." Most modern doctors are trained to think of medications first and natural methods a far distant second if at all. Can your diabetes be cured, Is it possible to normalize your blood sugar and stop all medication, To learn about the groundbreaking new research that shows how to reverse type 2 diabetes in 3 Weeks, simply Click Here! I've been reading the online diabetes discussion boards and I'm sometimes really struck by what other people say. One person said his diabetes was actually a blessing in disguise because more than anything else ever had, it motivated him to get a whole lot more healthy. At first, his statement hit a nerve with me that made me feel uneasy. However, the more I thought about what he said, the more I agreed with him.
Nothing has ever motivated me more in my entire life to follow what I already knew to be true. The first step is knowledge but without the motivation to go along with it, you won't reverse your diabetes. You literally have the power to reverse or make worse your diabetes by the foods you put into your body. You have to learn which foods to avoid and have the will power to do so. If you have diabetes, this means your glucose metabolism is all screwed up. You need to start eating the foods that will heal your body and make your cells more receptive to insulin and you have to learn what those foods are. You need to eat foods that naturally lower blood sugar. This does not mean your diet has to boring or bland. Quite the contrary, my menu has gotten much more delicious and nutritious since I was diagnosed with diabetes and decided to reverse it by eating the right things. Approximately 90% of those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are over-weight, many to the point of being obese.
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