How Nakuru People Can Whiten Their Teeth

Baking Powder Teeth Whitening
Most people from Nakuru are known for their brown teeth due to the high amount of fluoride in the water. To most people and especially Nakuru ladies, this is a nightmare as it makes them shy away from laughing in public as they are really conscious of how their teeth look. Some are even afraid of taking job interviews, especially for TV jobs, as appearance is one of the things that are considered. This is because brown teeth, as some call them, may distract people from the actual news. For this reason, most people have made a kill from the business of whitening such teeth in Nakuru, forcing many to part with lots of money. However, the good news is that Nakuru people can now whiten their teeth at home without parting with a lot of cash. All that is required is baking soda, a tooth brush, lemon juice, a piece of cloth and water. One should first squeeze the juice from the lemon then mix it with a few teaspoons of baking powder to make a paste. Before applying the paste on the teeth, the person should first wipe his/ her teeth with a piece of clean cloth after which you should put the paste on the toothbrush which you should apply on your teeth. The paste should be left on the teeth for one minute after which it should be rinsed thoroughly with clean water. The person is then bound to notice change as the teeth will be whiter. However, this method should be used sparingly not to damage the teeth’s enamel.

One of the most common complaints people have about their teeth is that they’re discolored, for the frugal people like us, our first thought for people who don’t want to pay for in-office bleaching is DIY Teeth Whitening! So many things can affect the color of the teeth. Drinking soda, wine, coffee, smoking, and eating highly pigmented foods can all result in the yellowish tinge that everyone hates. 650 and insurance doesn’t typically cover these visits because they are considered cosmetic procedures. Luckily, for those of us on a budget, there are numerous ways to whiten and brighten teeth at home using ingredients you may already have in your cabinets. Whether you generally want nicer teeth or are just trying to surprise someone on Valentine’s Day, here are some ways to get pearly whites without an expenseive kit or dentist’s office visit. If a person has some extra money to spend, they could always visit their dentist’s office for an in-office bleaching treatment.

Unfortunately, in this economy, most people don’t have the extra money to spend on teeth whitening and insurance doesn’t usually cover the cost. This is why an increasing number of people are getting creative and looking in their own cabinets for products that can help. I totally get it if DIY is not your thing, there are many excellent and affordable teeth whitening products online to choose from. I’ve read great things about Smile Brilliant and found the most helpful reviews do come from fellow bloggers who share their experience and walk you through the process. Are There Low-Cost Ways to Whiten My Teeth, Teeth whitening is one of those beauty treatments that sounds difficult and expensive, but it really isn’t - this method can fit any budget. Most people can whiten their teeth from home DIY style using products that are already in their cabinets; However, if you have been smoking for years and are dealing with significant stains, home whitening may not be enough. These treatments are better for people that only need to get their teeth a few shades whiter, not eliminate severe stains.

Two great products for easy at-home teeth whitening are hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. While this may sound a bit odd, since hydrogen peroxide is usually used to clean out cuts and scrapes, it does work. Next time you’re out shopping, look at the ingredients in a few high priced teeth whiteners and toothpastes. A lot of the time these products include hydrogen peroxide and/or baking soda. To whiten your smile, swap your everyday mouthwash (or I love Amazon’s top-selling mouthwash TheraBreath) love with hydrogen peroxide or mix it 1/2 & 1/2 with the mouthwash. Swish the liquid around your mouth and through your teeth for a good minute before spitting it out. Once you spit it out, go ahead and rinse your mouth with water to get the taste out. Right after rinsing, brush your teeth using a baking soda/toothpaste mixture. To make this mixture, put a tiny bit of toothpaste into a small cup, and then mix in one teaspoon of the baking soda and half a teaspoon of water.

Once the concoction has been thoroughly mixed together and is the consistency of a paste, use it to brush your teeth. Brush your teeth for two minutes, just as you do regularly, and then spit it out. You can also use a tray to hold it against your teeth. Upon completion, you will have successfully created a whitening treatment comparable to many popular products you’ll find in stores. Remember to do the two-step easy at home teeth whitening process once a week until you have reached the results you want. Once your teeth are good and white, limit yourself to using the whitening treatment once every month or two. If done too often, this treatment will wear down the enamel on your teeth and make you more susceptible to cavities. So while you may have a white smile, you’ll also have a mouth full of sensitive teeth and cavities, which may actually be worse than a little discoloration. Fortunately, while following these steps, without overdoing it, you will be able to easily whiten your teeth, while saving hundreds on the cost of professional teeth whitening treatments.

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