How To Decide If A Thigh Lift Is Right For You

Bariatric Plastic Surgery
For many people who have lost a lot of weight, thigh lift surgery seems like the next logical step. It is often through a thigh lift procedure that people finally start to feel like themselves. It is like the closing chapter on a long book dedicated solely to weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle. But, is this something for you, What are the benefits of it and is it necessary to go under the knife again, Naturally, it will always boil down to personal choice, but if you feel it is something you need to do, nobody should tell you not to. Losing weight is a long and hard journey for many. More and more people look into a bariatric thigh lift, meaning they require the procedure following bariatric surgery. After this type of surgery, it is not uncommon for people to be left with large amounts of excess skin. Thigh lift plastic surgery is often the only way to achieve that toned body that they were all hoping for.

We all know that it is important to have a BMI that is in the healthy range. We also all know how difficult it is to achieve that. If you are considering thigh lift surgery, it is likely that your BMI was in the obese or even morbidly obese category for some time. How that happened varies from one person to the next. What matters is that you took the time to change and that you are now a healthier, happier human being. But, if you are left with lots of excess skin, feeling happy in your new body can be almost impossible. That is where the thigh lift procedure comes in. After bariatric surgery, many find that they have excess skin in key areas, being the elbows, the stomach and the thighs. A bariatric thigh lift is a procedure by which the excess skin is either removed all together, or folded in on itself and then stitched. Either way, it is a successful plastic procedure that can offer you all the finishing touches you were hoping for. Do make sure you only work with reputable professionals for your thigh lift plastic surgery procedure. Perhaps you could ask your bariatric surgeon for advice on where to go. If not, do use the internet to your advantage, where you will be able to find a range of independent reviews on clinics across the country.

After significant weight loss, Santa Rosa post-bariatric surgery can reduce excess skin and fat and provide a tighter, smoother shape for the body and face. Loose, sagging skin is an unfortunate side effect for many people who have achieved massive weight loss. No matter how much you exercise or how strict your diet, this excess skin will not “bounce back” once it has been stretched out. But plastic surgery can help. Dr. Furnas and I perform a variety of body lift procedures to restore tighter, firmer skin in the abdomen, thighs, chest, buttocks, arms, and neck. This creates dramatic improvements in the shape of the body contour and can increase comfort by minimizing skin irritations and hygiene concerns. We have performed post-bariatric plastic surgery such as liposuction for Marin, Sonoma, and Napa County patients, as well as people who have traveled to our practice from across the country to achieve a better body contour. Whether you have lost weight from diet and exercise alone or with the help of bariatric surgery, your achievement is commendable - you’ve taken control of your life and improved your overall health and happiness. Plastic Surgery Associates can help you take the last step in your weight loss efforts so that you can fully enjoy your newfound confidence.

Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck as it’s more commonly called, is an elective surgery, so it’s only natural for you to wonder if you really want, need or are a good candidate for it. You may also wonder if you are prepared for the costs, risks, and after-care. Will it really make a difference, Tummy tuck operations can improve the appearance of your abdomen by removing loose excess skin and fat, tightening muscles in the abdominal wall and, in many cases, even smoothing stretch marks. If you’ve looked at your abdominal area and wished it were flatter (or flat again after milestones like pregnancy or weight loss), tummy tuck may be the answer. That’s especially true for those who have tried other methods of toning and tightening that have failed to achieve the desired results. For example, exercise tones and tightens, but can’t remove much excess skin left over after the stretching of pregnancy or weight gain.

Another side effect of pregnancy besides excess skin is a condition called diastasis, which is an abdominal bulge caused by a separation in the two large parallel bands of muscles that meet in the middle of the abdomen. Women over 35 who have high birth-weight babies, multiple pregnancies, or repeated pregnancies over a short time period are most likely to experience diastasis, and there is no exercise cure. In fact, by strengthening muscles around the separation, some abdominal exercises can make the bulge even more pronounced. If you’ve lost a lot of weight using diet and exercise - or a combination of those and weight-loss surgery - a tummy tuck can make you feel better about how your body looks. Abdominoplasty is not a “one size fits all” surgical procedure, but can be customized to the needs of the patient. There are a variety of procedures that fall under the tummy tuck heading, and they vary widely in both cost and scope. You can work with your doctor to determine which procedure is best for you, based on your specific reasons for having surgery and your individual preferences regarding cost, risks, and after-care requirements. Like any surgery, tummy tucks carry some risk, and only you can determine whether the benefits outweigh them. The good news is that, for the vast majority of patients, with the proper precautions and after-care, it is a safe and effective procedure with numerous benefits and a very high satisfaction rate.

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