If that is not possible, than assume that the capacity of the origional shape of built-up section is reduced by whatever the stress was prior to the addition of the reinf. Any chance you could create a kingpost truss with tendon(s), You would need to have some way to resolve the thrusts at each end, and you would need to have a way to preload the tendon(s). Might be a way more expensive idea that the situation calls for, but just throwing it out as a theoretical solution. Thanks everyone for all the feedback. I think everyone agrees that welding a T, or failing that plates etc is most efficient, and the theory and shear flow etc is quite clear. I dont have much headroom to play with, and probably no welding, so I ll have to go with something bolted, but principle is same. Ucfse -your points agreed -not sure I undersand the bolt gap or I didnt describe it adequately before. Channel would be wider that bottom flange,i.e.
We are rechecking loading and will have to see if channels to side of web make up the strength needed. Willis - yes i agree this becomes a load sharing issue basically on EI of the parts connected. Regarding bolting of Channels on each side of the web: The bolts will need to transfer the proportional amount of total load that will be carried by each channel. For instance, if the channels will assume 40% of the total load, then the bolts need to be sized to transfer 40% of the total load out of the web of the I section and into the channels. One additional note: the bolts will need to be slip critical, to ensuer composite action is obtained without deflections having to occur to engage the bolts. Please let us know here why this post is inappropriate. Reasons such as off-topic, duplicates, flames, illegal, vulgar, or students posting their homework. Thank you for helping keep Eng-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts. The Eng-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action.
Using sticks is a quick way to juice stability when mobility is adequate. First of all, make sure your clients use reciprocal gait with the sticks; make sure they get the rhythm down. Put them on the beam with the sticks. Then as soon as they get confident, have them drop one or both sticks and continue on the beam. What you’ll usually see is until they start thinking about things, they’re great. The instant they start turning, walking on a balance beam and thinking about the exercise, they’ll probably falter. It’s important to realize human balance is almost a reflexive activity. We should train it between exercises as a reset—as a stability reset. Introduce a balance beam instead of just single-leg stance exercises. It’s more functional, and it will have more carryover into other activities. In sports where we have to shift weight with crisp precision, walking a balance beam can change the workout. Put it between sets. Use little things like mobility drills or the stick drill for certain people to juice stability. If you have a group of younger people, do a few bear crawls between each balancing activity. You’ll see crawling juice that stability as well. Look at we did with Erwan Le Corre in Exploring Functional Movement. Watch the video, practice some drills and enjoy getting your balance!
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