Now that she's there, deep in the corporate world, she sees how being apart of this world kills our womanhood (drowned faces). In order to succeed in business, women must allow the feminine part of themselves to die. The final three stanzas of Adrienne Rich's "Diving Into the Wreck" describe the transformation our heroine has undergone now that she has arrived at the wreck. This is one of the easiest stanzas to understand. Adrienne Rich's poem "Diving Into the Wreck" is the record of one woman's journey into corporate America. It's intended to be ironic that the poem uses the image of diving down to describe the climb up the corporate ladder. As the narrator dives deeper into the ocean, she is climbing higher on the corporate ladder. This is intentional imagery because the deeper you go in the ocean, the more pressure there is and the darker and murkier it gets. Once she arrives at the wreck, she has reached the glass ceiling. Before the narrator embarks on this journey, she equips herself physically and mentally (stanza 1). This portion of the poem is very important because it shows that she will examine the wreck for herself.
She is not interested in reading the book of myths and believing the stories and ideas of women in the workforce as told by men. She wants to dive down, experiencing the wreck for herself, all the while recording (camera as mentioned in stanza 1) what she sees so that other women my benefit from what she learns. To fully understand this poem, you must understand the culture and society that existed at the time Rich wrote it. The 1970s were a time of great change and dissatisfaction. America was in Vietnam and women were burning bras. This was long before the day that Heather Lockleare's roll on Melrose Place made it acceptable for women to wear feminine and sexy attire in the workplace. During the 1970s if a women chose to pursue a career in business, she had to adopt the clothing and demeanor of a man just in order to be taken seriously.
This poem illustrates the challenges women faced when attempting to climb the corporate ladder in the 1970s. It shows how they had to shed their femininity in order to be accepted by corporate America. It challenges all women to dive into the wreck, thus helping to pave the way for future generations of women. It shines a light on the ugly business world that is controlled by men and the absurd lengths a woman must go to just to be a career woman. If you need a copy of the poem to read, you can find the full poem "Diving Into the Wreck" here. This book of poetry includes over twenty poems by Adrienne Rich. Rich's poems are unique in that they express the voice of a woman trying to find balance between being strong woman in a society where feminism was starting to brew and being a good wife and mother.
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