I was diagnosed with PCOS way back when, in my late teens/early twenties. I really appreciate your feedback and wish you the best! Fantastic hub, I too have PCOS and found these diet tips really helpful. Well written, easy to follow, voted up and now following. I'm so glad to hear this article will help you and your daughter. Please let her know that PCOS is nothing to be afraid of. Have her just learn to do what is best for this condition and she will do great. Thanks for your feedback. Very educational and informative Hub. My teenage daughter has been diagnosed with PCOS. This article will help us a lot. Thanks for posting it. Voted up and shared! Yeah, a list in the wallet would probably be good. Or maybe just some kind of alarm on the wrist. Whenever the hand gets too close to high sugar, buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, dingggggggggggggg. Hi Sharyn. Thanks for linking to my sugar hub.
I'm going to link back to this one too. A low sugar diet is key to good health. The real culprit is high glycemic foods. You have listed those under your 'Food type to avoid' table. We should probably print this out and stick in our wallets! She will definitely benefit from the weight loss and exercise. Her PCOS symptoms may/will subside dramatically. And yes, I also believe that many women have PCOS and do not know it. Thanks for your great feedback. Hi Sharyn. I have a young friend with PCOS disease. In the last year or so, she has undertaken a healthy eating plan and exercise plan and has lost 50 pounds. She looks and feels great. She started walking and now runs in local marathons. She is so proud which she should be. Many women have this and do not know it. You did a wonderful job educating us in this article. I do believe the same advice may help you but definitely talk to your doc. I remember, many years ago, it took a while for me to actually be diagnosed since they had to rule out other causes. Good luck to you.
Thanks for your feedback. Yes, our diet DOES affect our health tremendously. And you are right, so many things can be avoided by healthy food intake. The older I get, I see more and more what that means and how I didn't "listen" at times when I should have. Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad you found this interesting. I am kind of surprised when people say they never heard of PCOS. Thanks for your feedback. Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you found this useful! I have a lot of problems with cysts, but do not have PCOS, or at least not diagnosed. Yet I wonder if the same advice would help me. PCOS is one of those issues that you really don't know much about unless it truly affects you or someone close to you. I'm glad you learned so much from this hub. Thanks for stopping by!
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