No one wants a yellow smile, but paying small attention over your teeth can really give us a white smile. It’s not completely unusual these days to see a celebrity, newscaster, or other people overly-concerned with their appearance, to have teeth so white it’s completely distracting. Sometimes it feels to have a smile that lights up the room! There are plenty of natural teeth whitening home remedies for a beautiful smile. Giving some few minutes to our teeth at home is more worth than spending a huge amount and time at a dentist's clinic for teeth polishing and whitening. Strawberries help in whitening teeth due to containing an enzyme called malic acid and vitamin C. The astringent found in strawberries helps to remove surface stains, while vitamin C washes away plaque. Mashing a few strawberries and brushing with the mixture once or twice a week can have positive results. Eating strawberries can also help, just it is important to chew it really well and allowing them to do the brushing on their own.
Orange and lemon contain high vitamin C. Lemon has the power to cleanse white stuff. Grind the dry orange peel and lemon to make a fine powder which can be used twice a week at night to clean the teeth using lukewarm water. The bleaching properties of both the elements help remove yellow stains and make them whiter. It is suggested by health experts that using a mixture of clove powder and salt to clean the teeth twice a day helps in natural whitening of teeth. The antimicrobial properties of clove help remove bacteria and fungi, while salt helps in destroying the germs. During tooth pain use of clove and salt treats the gums and give relaxation. This may be one of the most popular of the natural teeth whitening home remedies. The chemical reaction of baking soda with the citrus of lemon juice has a smile-brightening effect. Either one of these ingredients works well, but together they are super-effective. Only brush with this solution up to once per week as it can wear away the tooth enamel if used too frequently. Brushing with this solution twice a week is more effective and it gives good result out of it.
It is an old ancient formula, to use neem bark for cleaning teeth. Neem bark is filled with antibacterial properties and is very effective if used thrice a week (powder or bark) to clean teeth and gums. It also removes bad breath. Every day after brushing the teeth with toothpaste, gently massaging the gums with crushed mint and basil leaves paste for 3 to 4 minutes can help to remove the bad breath, tartar and plaque. Mint leaves contain a compound called menthol that is beneficial in preventing bad breath and also for whitening teeth. Holy Basil has medicinal properties that stop bad breath, tartar and dental plaque that causes yellow teeth. The medicinal properties and presence of menthol make it an effective combination for teeth. Using the paste of sesame seeds to clean the teeth thrice a week helps remove plaque and stain. Rich in calcium, sesame seeds help in building gums and nourish the teeth leading to their natural shine.
Eating these seeds may also unleash the natural colour of teeth. Though Apple Cider Vinegar can take up to a month to do its job its result is quite slow. It works particularly well on coffee and nicotine stains. It is also a great gum cleaner.ACV should be applied on teeth before brushing then it should be rinsed thoroughly after 5min and then teeth should be brushed well with regular toothpaste. This will keep the acids from wearing down enamel. It can also be used simply putting up some on a cloth and can be run over teeth. A healthy and bright smile is definitely something to be happy about. Eating healthy foods, not surprisingly, can go a long way in ensuring your teeth stay white for years to come. But having an arsenal of natural teeth whitening home remedies can improve our toothy glow without breaking the bank or exposing us to unknown chemicals and bleaches in the dentist’s office.
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