Thank you for commenting and voting! Excellent and very informative hub here! Yikes, kind of scary to think about, but we must do so. Thank you very much for the heads up on this most important health issue. I totally agree. My hope is that letting people know what can happen to their eyes may make them think about what's going on in their bodies as well! Or at least make some changes so they don't lose their eyesight which will benefit their overall health. I always found it so frustrating when patients would tell me they had no idea what their blood sugars were, and then say, "I don't really care." You don't know how many patients actually say that! Janine, smoking definitely could have exacerbated a risk that was already there. Usually retinal tears occur in patients who are myopic (nearsighted). Even light myopia runs the risk of tears because the eye is too long and the retina is stretched.
Smoking exacerbates the risk because of the neovascularization, it actually weakens the retinal tissue as well allowing it to tear more easily. So yes, definitely I would say it wasn't the direct cause because I don't know his exact history, but it definitely helped the process along! Interestingly, it's not the nicotine that causes the problem, it's the 4,000 other chemicals that are the main issue. I found that really interesting because we're told how bad nicotine is, but nicotine is really only a vasoconstrictor (it constricts blood vessels), which is innocuous unless you have health problems, which most people do. I hope that helped, thank you as always for your comments and sharing, I always love hearing from you! Specialk3749 Your husband's story is a lot like mine! I had gestational diabetes, which went away after my daughter was born, but came back about 4 years later. It was around the same time that I was starting to feel fat, and unsexy, and I had gained like 70lbs total, 40 with my pregnancy which I never lost, and 30 in the 4 years before all this started.
It was all the weight, and the unhealthy eating. I have since stopped the high protein diet (it was mainly to trigger the metabolism and drop my sugar fast), and I'm now currently a vegan. Unfortunately, not enough people take it seriously. If they did, they'd have the same results your husband and I have had. But it does take discipline and a lot of work! I hope all my articles on diabetes help people to realize what can happen and that it can easily be overcome. I'm working on the Diet as treatment for diabetes hub next! D Thank you so much for sharing you and your husband's story! You've given us an excellent and very thorough article on this condition and what can cause it - thank you! It's so important for people to understand that certain habits and conditions pose risks to eyesight as well as the rest of your body and health. Melissa, my dad actually just recently had tears on his retina and had to have cryo-surgery I believe a freezing technique is used. He does not have diabetes, but has been a habitual smoker for years. Do you know if this could have caused those tears and that issue, After reading your article, it just got me thinking and my curious nature kicked. My husband has diabetes and thanfully he has not had any major side effects yet. He also got his diabetes under control, lost over 70 lbs and is running everyday and has changed his eating lifestyle. I am very proud of him for taking his disease seriously.
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