Sparkle And Shine: Whitening Products For Stained Teeth

Baking Powder Teeth Whitening
Keeping your teeth sparkly and white can be difficult, especially if you’re a coffee or wine drinker. The stains in your teeth can’t be removed with toothpaste alone. Luckily there are other teeth whitening products out there that are easy to use and work quickly. Check out the list below to see what these products are. Some of them even have activated charcoal. Try cleaning your teeth with these tablets from Lush. They have a warm cola flavor that is packed with powdered charcoal and tea that detoxify your mouth. Chew one tab in your mouth and brush with a wet toothbrush. Whiten and polish teeth with this activated charcoal powder. This also strengthens enamel while cleaning and purifying teeth. This also refreshes the mouth with a mix of bentonite clay powder and spearmint. If you have sensitive teeth, try out this teeth whitener from Tuxedo. This “removes surface stains from coffee, wine, and soda to reveal whiter brighter teeth.” It also helps build healthier teeth and gums. For quick results, whitening strips might do the trick. Leave them on for one hour and you are left with whiter teeth and fresh breath. A tool that you can use while you’re traveling is this whitening pen from Impressive Smile. It is packed with a strengthening gel that whitens teeth visibly in two days. You can also pop this in your bag and use when needed. You can also use baking soda to whiten your teeth. Just mix a small amount with your current toothpaste or a bit of lemon juice. Baking soda is a mild abrasive, which can effectively remove surface stains from your teeth, making them look whiter.

This kind of powder is well-known for its effects on providing energies for performing our daily activities. However, there are some other benefits of corn powder that I must mention here, particularly the effect of treating the sun spots in the summer. You can absolutely store it for using anytime you like conveniently and easily. Moreover, with corn powder, you guys can have quite a lot ways to help the damaged skin to recover. You can mix half a cup of corn powder with half a cup of yeast cake into the water. After that, soak yourself in that water for about 30 minutes. By this way, your sunburned damages will disappear naturally and the harsh feeling on the skin will be soothed quickly. In another way, you can mix corn powder with water to create a sticky mixture. Then, apply it directly on the sun spots that disturb you and wait until it dries out before rinsing it off.

You can also dissolve the powder in water and spray this directly on your skin as well. However, the simplest way is to rub the corn powder on your skin after having a bath, right on the areas that have skin damaged by sunlight. Although watermelon is considered to be a kind of hot fruit to eat in the summer, many people still like its taste and the immediate effect to reduce the hot and thirsty feeling that they have. However, that would be really wasteful if we just eat the flesh of the fruit and throw away its rind. In fact, the rind of watermelon has a large amount of water, which is cool and nutritious so that we can use it to rub on the skin and treat some problems related to the beauty care. Particularly, talking about the matter of sunburns removal, watermelon rind is really an effective remedy to heal the damaged skin cells and provide it the necessary nutrients for recovery. Use the pieces of watermelon to crush and extract the juice out.

Next, add from 1 to 2 coffee spoons of honey into the juice and mix them up carefully. Make this mixture and rub on the spots on the skin daily combining with gentle massage for 20 minutes before rinsing it off. Honey is a great source of vitamins, which can supply and nourish our skin positively. When we combine it with the natural source of water from watermelon, your skin would be soothed and the sun marks would be blurred quickly. Beside the tips that I have shared above, there are some things that you need to know and do right away after having the sunburn damages on the skin. I bet that the feeling of getting sun marks on the skin is uncomfortable at all. Many people have to go to the dermatologists to have some diagnoses and advice from the professional experts as they even feel sick as the result of being exposed to the direct sunlight and getting sunburned skin.

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