Teeth Whitening With Baking Soda

Baking Powder Teeth Whitening
Many people look to home remedies to make their teeth brighter, such as whitening teeth with baking soda. Baking soda functions as a teeth whitener in two ways. Because of its abrasive nature, baking soda removes built-up plaque on teeth and the alkaline powder in baking soda can help remove discolorations. While this method can be effective, it will only remove stains on the surface of the teeth. Whitening teeth with baking soda can be done a number of ways. Because baking soda is a base, people often mix it with a more acidic component, such as vinegar, lemon juice or salt. Some even mix baking soda and strawberries! However, acids can eat away at the calcium of the teeth and irritate gums, so they are generally not recommended. The baking soda can be mixed into a paste by adding water. Once the desired mixture is created, the most effective way to whiten teeth with baking soda is to brush for two minutes, making sure to coat all the teeth with the paste. While whitening teeth with baking soda has some benefits, it is not a replacement for brushing with regular toothpaste. Baking soda does not kill bacteria and can actual increase cavity formation. That’s why it’s important to follow any baking soda routine by brushing with toothpaste, flossing and rising the mouth out well. Whitening teeth with baking soda is an easy, low-cost option to get teeth a bit brighter. However, several factors need to be considered when looking at using baking soda to whiten teeth. Although baking soda is a commonly used product, it is not without risks. Overuse can damage the enamel of the teeth, resulting in sensitivity and increasing the risk for cavities. Baking soda should be used no more than once a week. Because this method will not clean any stains beneath the top surface of the enamel, it will only whiten the teeth by 1-2 shades.

0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. The 1/8th part of my teeth are yellow near the gum line. I was told because I had tetracycline while I was wearing braces many years ago. The rest of my teeth have a nice cool white color. It's just the top that looks awful. If I just smile lightly you cannot see it unless I get real happy and smile too much then it shows. I just tried brushing with the baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for 2 minutes. It killed my gums. I have like 4 white spots on my gums that are throbbing. Has anyone else experienced this, I've tried many products to whiten my teeth and most of the results were poor and I had tooth sensitivity as a result.

The only product that truly worked for me was Power Swabs, which I experienced no sensitivity. My teeth remained white with little maintenance. It was a quick and easy method to whiten your teeth. Best whitening kit out there! Wow, these are really great tips! Hope it won't be harmful for teeth enamel. I tried the hydrogen peroxide and baking powder one. I used 6% of the peroxide and that still burned my gums.. Has anyone got a way of whitening your teeth that's ACTUALLY effective, Imma try da salt water. How long does it take to tell a difference in ya teeth, I need to know. And does it bother da enamel at all, The best way is the salt. You can use it wid water or sprinkle a little on toothpaste. But b careful using w.soda and hydrogen peroxide . It may effect your gums. Jst imagine urself without gums n teeth. I am going to try the Salt Water one.

I really hope it works. . I have tried everything! I am on medication for my acne and now hitting my teeth! I am like begging God that this will work for me. They are the yellowest of the bunch! Hydrogen Peroxide is a powerful bleaching agent that all teeth whitener uses for whitening purposes. However, it is not recommended to us this yourself at home, because if you over use it, it will end up damaging your teeth and enamel which you totally do not want this happen! BEFORE you try all or one of these suggestions, please try brushing your teeth after every meal for at least 2 minutes. You don't need any mouthwash, but doing this for even under a week can improve the colour of your teeth, as it will restore them to your natural colour. However; the salt and water combo for a mouthwash is probably your best bet. I would recommend a teaspoon of salt to every 300ml of water. This may be strong, and taste horrible (you can hold your nose if you wish, so you cannot taste the mixture).

However, if you are going to try to whiten your teeth with the baking powder and hydrogen peroxide, MAKE SURE you get only a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Some solutions of the peroxide are around 30% or higher, this is most commonly used to for bleaching hair. So please do make sure it's only 3% strength, as if you don't. Your mouth will burn constantly for hours and your mouth will produce blisters and in if the blister gets a cut or bursts. It may become infected. D: Oh and also; i've heard that vinegar. I think I will try the water and salt my sister says It doesn't taste very nice but I will do anything for whiter teeth. Paint your teeth with white delux paint you'll soon see a difference ! LITTERLY the one that works the best is lemon juice and salt, THANKS FOIR THE TIPS! Natural remedies like baking soda and hydrogen peroxide do work.

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