The Best Cholesterol Diabetes Diet

Best Diabetic Diet Plan
Most of you are wondering how to find the right cholesterol diabetes diet. Or what's the exact way to fight cholesterol and diabetic problems. I understand that is difficult for you to have diabetes and at the same time have high cholesterol. For diabetics this might happen, especially when they’re overweight, obese and with non well controlled diabetes. But as I always say: there is always a remedy for everything in this world. What you should do is to find it and try hard to put it in as part for your daily life. The same happens when you have diabetes and high cholesterol too. Probably you may be asking: Is it really easy to find a cholesterol diabetes diet, Is there any low cholesterol and sugar foods diet, Which is the best cholesterol diabetes diet to follow, Relax your mind from all these questions. The key point in everything is to relax. Anxiety isn’t good for your health, and it can aggravate your diabetes and high cholesterol too.

So try to relax and to think positively and be practical. Pay attention to the following tips, because they will change your way of thinking about food and diet. When talking about foods, try to take high content water ones. Because your body need water to survive since its 70 % is made of water. Drinking plenty of water and taking high content water foods can help your body eliminate the excessive glucose and other waste substances, and improving lipids and cholesterol metabolism. You must keep in mind that as a diabetic, you need to take from all categories of foods: sugar, proteins, fats, even if you have high cholesterol. So, try to consume more fruits and vegetables. They contain 70% water and they are all free cholesterol foods and don’t increase your blood sugar level. Instead they can help you optimize it. You must take fats too because you need them. But, while you have diabetes and high cholesterol, try to choose low-saturated fatty foods. Now we come again to fruits and vegetables, adding whole grain foods, which are naturally low-saturated fatty foods.

You must keep in mind that you should choose foods that have a total fat very low. I’m talking here to substitute saturated fat consumption with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated one. They have fewer calories than saturated fats, and can help you in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Starchy foods and those high in fiber, such as breads, cereals, whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables again have lower saturated fats and cholesterol. They also have fewer calories and help you as a good cholesterol and diabetes diet. They contain vitamins and minerals that your body need since you have diabetes. As a diabetic you need to take proteins too. The best source for you to take them is seafood. They have no calories, and are rich in unsaturated fats, and a good proteins and minerals source. If you prefer to eat poultry or meat instead, try to choose un-skinned one. Or try to eat chicken or turkey chest. It is the perfect food resource for proteins and less calories and low fat. Beside a very good diet, you must do some changes in your lifestyle, doing more exercise; try to give up from bad habits. If you are overweight or obese, try to reduce your excessive weight. The above diet and food choices can help you for this too. Ask A question Or Leave a comment. QUESTION: Hello Dr. My blood sugar is constantly around 95-120 ALL THE TIME. 2. Is FBS 107.4 mg/dL and PPBS 126.0 mg/dL to be worried, QUESTION: The other day I have got tested my sugar level which is 107.4 mg/dL (FBS) and 126.0 mg/dL (PPBS). Are these readings are normal or abnormal, QUESTION: Why is my Blood sugar 91 when I go to bed at night and 145 when I get up in morning, Nothing to eat or drink during night.

The only problem my friends amd I who are on it is the constipation. Why with so much fibre, Thanks for your comment. Congratulations on your weight loss even though you had to suffer a few dizzy spells to get there! But I think you summed it up perfectly 'you have to find that medium that you can continue with in order to keep the weight off.' It's all about balancing and finding that range that suits your needs. I got my book in 5 days. I lost15 pounds in 3 weeks. I did follow it to the letter for 10 days until my blood pressure dropped to a dangerous level. I have a physical job and work out so felt very week and felt I needed some carbs for energy. I lost the first 10 lbs. 11 days and then added the carbs from the future cycles and only ate them for breakfast and lunch and am still losing weight. I continue with lemon and water,greentea, probiotics, mostly chicken and fish,3 fruits per day and I continue to loose the weight.

The no carbs for the first cycle made me week and dizzy. I now feel great lighter and more energy. So I will continue, but with my modifications. You have to find that medium that you can continue with in order to keep the weight off. If its too unrealistic you wont stay on it. I recommend it for anyone jumpstarting weight loss where you need structure to get going. Just stick it out for as close to 17 days as you can. You will lose weight fast but have to work out too. The hardest days are the first 5 and then you just get in a pattern. It is not recommended that you drink diet sodas on the 17 day diet. Water, lemon in hot water, green tea and coffee are the accepted beverages. I'm sure 3 servings ot probiotics will not affect your diet too much, especially as you are on antibiotic medicine.

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