Your Guide To Natural Teeth Whitening At Home: How To Get Sparkling White Teeth

Baking Powder Teeth Whitening
There is no doubting the fact that a shining white tooth has a way of reflecting and saying so much about our personality. In reality, no one wants a discolored or stained set of teeth. But due to genetics or our day to day life style many people have had to stand by and watch their stained teeth affect their everyday life. The truth many people don’t know however is that one can whiten his/her teeth without having a big hole bored in your pocket in terms of cost. This is the secret of those popular models and television personalities we have all grown up to love. If you are reading this right now chances are that you are interested in how to whiten your teeth safely and cheaply. What are the Methods to Whiten My Teeth, If you are looking for how to whiten your teeth and improve your confidence and your general health you may want to consider the following options which have been tested and proven to get result. The dentist applies bleaches which you can’t purchase over the counter.

This is similar to doctors prescribing and having access to bleach products which are not available to the general public. The strength of the dentists’ bleaches is not available over the counter. There are however some downsides to visiting the dentist for a teeth whitening procedure. One them is that it is not one of the most comfortable thing to have to go through and endure. Another con is that the cost of such procedure could range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars - not the cheapest option for anyone really. Another method many people turn to when they decide to whiten their teeth is to purchase items such as strips, bleaching creams and pens from the drug store or grocery store. This is because they are the cheapest and the most affordable option out there. This comes with its many downsides too. The most notable one is that they may be very unsafe because most of them contain chemicals and bleaches which can cause harm to the teeth, gum, cavity and the body system if mistakenly swallowed. Another viable option to whiten your teeth is to adopt a 100% natural approach.

This involves preparing teeth whitening gels and pastes from materials which may already be in your kitchen cabinet or available for purchases at your local grocery store. This also happens to be the safest way to whiten your teeth since your will not be making use of any harmful chemical. Natural teeth whitening methods also involve adopting a proper diet plan which helps the health of your teeth and your entire body system. It also ensures that we stay away from some common food items which are usually responsible for most teeth staining on our teeth. Also the pastes you will be making are not difficult to make and are equally as effective and it comes with no risk to your teeth or overall health too. The cost of whitening your teeth naturally at home is also not much as most of the materials are things you may already have at home (an example of such item is baking powder). If we have to consider all the methods mentioned above, together with their pros and cons, then we could conclude that natural approach to teeth whitening is a clear winner here. This is due to the fact you don’t have to use any harmful or unsafe chemical. Also following the method doesn’t make you go broke.

A small sampling of the remedies that appear on the Internet is below. All of the recipes and directions are copied verbatim (including the typographical errors). The final concoction described makes the most sense. 3. Cover tightly and shake well. 4. Leave at room temperature and shake daily for two weeks. 5. After two weeks, strain herbs and pour liquid back into jar. 6. Fill jar the remaining way with filtered water. Cautions: Do not swallow (not that you'd want to anyway!) If pregnant or nursing ask your health care professional. Not for small children. To use, brush teeth then swish mouthwash for at least a minute. Don't eat or drink for 30 minutes. Are you a fan of bananas, You will be after you hear about this home remedy! Applying a banana peel to achieve white teeth can be done by gently rubbing the inside of the peel on your teeth for about two minutes once or twice a day. Those awesome minerals that bananas are already known for, such as potassium, manganese and magnesium, are absorbed into your teeth and help keep them looking their best!

The same results have also been linked to the inner layer of orange peels. For another fruity take on whiter teeth, you can try mashing up a strawberry and mixing it with a small amount of baking soda to create your own whitening toothpaste. The acids in the strawberry work to polish and whiten your teeth. Limit this remedy to about once a month. 1. In a large glass mixing cup, stir together the calcium powder and xylitol crystals. 2. Add liquid minerals and essential oils. 3. Add water and stir. 4. Pour mixture into a glass bottle (I reused an old apple cider vinegar bottle). 5. Close the lid tightly and shake ingredients together for about 30-60 seconds so the xylitol dissolves. 6. Shake well before using. 7. Store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Take fresh basil leaves and leave them in shade to dry them out. Once the basil leaves get fully dried, grind them to get a powder out of them. Use this powder to brush your teeth. You can use your fingers to rub your teeth with this basil powder or can even mix the powder with your regular tooth paste and use it that way. Take the fresh basil leaves and crush them to get their paste. Add the powder of orange peel with the crushed basil leaves and mix well. Apply this paste on your teeth. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Crush the basil leaves to get its paste. Mix the basil paste with mustard oil well. Use this as your toothpaste to get white teeth.

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