We ask patients to stop taking medications that may increase bleeding, including aspirin, Plavix, NSAIDS (i.e. ibuprofen, Advil, Alleve, etc), and herbal supplements like vitamin E. Patients should be in good health and ensure their blood pressure is controlled. In addition, patients who smoke should begin a smoking cessation program, as we ask patients to stop smoking three weeks prior to surgery, especially for those undergoing a lower body lift. The nicotine in tobacco products decreases the blood flow to your skin and results in delayed healing and increased wound complications. In addition, nutritional supplementation is an important part of the healing process before and after surgery. A full blood panel including nutritional parameters will be obtained during the initial stages of the process and we encourage all of our patients to begin protein shakes or juices 3-4 weeks before surgery. Our cosmetic surgery team will help ensure a rapid recovery.
As you heal, it is important to keep well hydrated and nourished, as nutrition is an important part of healing. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and patients are instructed to wear compression garments for the first few weeks. Patients are admitted into the hospital to ensure adequate hydration and pain control. As the incision begins to heal (after 3 weeks), there are a number of things you can use to help minimize the size and appearance of the scar. Massaging the scar with firm finger pressure will help diminish the appearance of the scar and decrease the swelling. In addition, paper tape and silicone gel sheeting have both been shown to help minimize scars with time. Some commercially available products such as Mederma or vitamin E may also have some benefit. If you would like to learn more about how our plastic surgeons can use a lower body lift to acheive your cosmetic goals, please contact Florida Plastic Surgery Group to schedule a confidential consultation. We also offer affordable financing plans to fit most patients’ budgets.
With enough constant stretch applied, the fibers in the rubber band become disrupted or break. With weight gain, the skin is similarly stretched and the elastic fibers are disrupted. After weight-loss or after removing the load from the rubber band, the elastic fibers contract, but only so much. In either case, the result is a reflection of the ability of the elastic fibers to completely contract. The amount of skin recoil is multi-factorial. There are major and minor factors involved. The two major factors influencing skin recoil are the amount of skin stretch and skin’s age. With weight gain, there is stretching of the skin. With weight-loss, the skin tries to recoil. Unfortunately, the elastic qualities of the skin are not perfect and the skin does not completely recoil. Age significantly influences skin recoil. Younger skin has better elastic qualities and thus, has more inherent ability to “spring” back. Other factors include genetics, age, the rapidity of weight-loss, and the amount of stretch.
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