In fact, they can play a role in maintaining your blood sugar levels. This is because the 1,200 calories-a-day diet plan for diabetics gets 50% of calories from the carbohydrates you are eating, along with 20% from proteins and 30% from fats. However, in some cases, you may need to eat less carbohydrates to be able to lose weight and maintain normal blood sugar levels. It is still highly recommended that you consult with a registered nutritionist or dietitian prior to starting any type of diabetic weight loss meal plan. This is for the reason that you need to be guided on how much carbohydrates you can consume in a day. Furthermore, they can help you on what kind of carbohydrates you can eat. Even if you are faithfully following your diabetic weight loss meal plan, you need to be able to identify the kinds of carbohydrates that can make your glucose levels shoot up faster compared to others.
Counting your carbs can be very helpful in determining the number of carbohydrates you are consuming from different meals in a day. Furthermore, counting carbs can help you in understanding the effects of particular carbohydrates in your blood sugar levels since it is being observed that the regulation of carbohydrate intake can also control it. Most people believe that their happy eating days are over once they are diagnosed with diabetes. However, that is not entirely true because you can still eat your favorite foods with the proper diabetic weight loss meal plan, but in controlled portions. For instance, it involves limiting your intake of carbohydrates so you can control your blood sugar levels. Also, you must eat regularly to avoid low blood sugar levels. However, make sure that the amount of calories you are eating in a day is consistent and not fluctuating. This goes the same on which hours of the day you are eating. What kind of diet is it, The diabetic diet is low in cholesterol and saturated fat since it emphasizes on eating foods that are high-fiber, low-fat, and foods that have high complex carbohydrates. The plan limits your intake of foods that are fatty. You can still include sweets in your meal plans but make sure to eat them in moderation. This is because too much sweets can make your blood sugar level to shoot up higher than expected and can make you gain more weight. If there is an option for artificial sweeteners and low-sugar or sugar-free options, do not hesitate to take them. However, be mindful of the carbohydrates in them, such as the ones you can find in cakes and pastries.
To that end let’s review the definition of pre-diabetes, the associated health risks, and effective preventative measures. We already reviewed the diagnostic criteria for diabetes. For pre-diabetes, the ranges are just slightly lower. If your fasting blood sugar is running anywhere from 100-125 and your A1c comes back anywhere from 5.7 to 6.4, you will likely be labeled as pre-diabetic. This puts you at significant risk for diabetes within the next 4-10 years unless steps are taken to return your blood sugar to an ideal range. This is where I would ask, if you happen to have them on hand or online, to go check your labs. Seriously, go check them! See where your fasting blood glucose is at and determine if you’ve had a recent A1c. Many doctors are not diagnosing pre-diabetes. Studies have shown we have an under-diagnosis problem in this country when it comes to pre-diabetes. I’ve seen many clients in my office with pre-diabetic numbers and yet no one told them they were pre-diabetic.
So yes, go check. It is so valuable to know this information because pre-diabetes is EASY to treat with diet and lifestyle change. The studies show that diet and lifestyle are the number one way to reduce blood sugar numbers in pre-diabetic patients. Once you progress to full diabetes the chance of returning to normal blood glucose is much, much harder. NOW is the time to take action and correct. If you are pre-diabetic and want to take steps now to avoid becoming diabietc, here are a few of the researched ways to get those numbers back under control. Not surprisingly, diet of course is the primary area to address. From the research we see that that reducing carbohydrates helps immensely, as does decreasing overall calorie intake such that weight loss occurs. When diet and weight loss are tackled together, blood sugar begins going in the right direction as well. What kind of diet you ask,
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