Fish three times a week. Green leafy vegetables till they’re coming out of your ears. Who wouldn’t get bored, The answer is - anyone with a good set of cookbooks and a healthy imagination. Perk up your cabinet with spices and fill your refrigerator with fresh fruits and vegetables, then look for novel ways to combine them. 1. Spice it up! Spices are one of the quickest ways out of the diet doldrums. Rosemary and fennel with chicken, mint rubbed into pork, pepper and lemon mint on fresh fish - the ‘blander’ the food, the higher the effect of the spices. 2. Dress it up. Fruit vinaigrette dressings make wonderful marinades for meats and dressings for warm or cold vegetables. Try broccoli drizzled with raspberry vinaigrette or cabbage spiced up with apple vinegar and pepper. 2. Herb-infused olive oils - tarragon, ginger, fennel and more. 3. My brother the chef gave me a set of three oils for Christmas one year and it completely changed the way I’ll cook forever! 4. Low sodium soy sauce is a great way to flavor up just about anything.
The bitterness of dark leafy greens like spinach were practically designed to be eaten with mandarin oranges, raspberries or chunks of pineapple. Still need some help, Here is a list of the absolute best cookbooks on the market to help you fight those diet boredom blues! The Mediterranean Diet CookbookThis cookbook features polenta, couscous and more! Laurie’s Low-Carb CookbookThis everyday chef shares recipes that are so easy to do! Low Carb Meals In MinutesUse this book and get six weeks worth of complete menus that include shopping lists. American Heart Association Low-Fat Low-Cholesterol CookbookAre you trying to lower your cholesterol or take care of your heart, This book has great tasting recipes that are good for you-and your heart! American Heart Association Meals in MinutesIf you’re constantly eating fast foods because you simply don’t have the time to create great tasting healthy meals, check out this book! The Guilt-Free Gourmet Famous cruise ship chef Sam Miles put together this wonderful cookbook from his six years traveling on ships as a cook. So, now you’ve got some ideas and some resources-there should be no reason that you have to live with boring foods-even if you are on a diet!
If you are considering peanuts, make sure you read this post first:Peanuts on a Ketogenic Diet: Eat or Avoid, Achieving ketosis is a pretty straightforward, but it can seem complicated and confusing with all of the information out there. Restrict your carbohydrates. Most people tend to only focus only on net carbs. If you want great results, limit both. Try to stay below 20g net carbs and below 35g total carbs per day. Restrict your protein intake. Many people come over to keto from an Atkins diet and don’t limit their protein. Too much protein can lead to lower levels of ketosis. Ideally for weight loss, you want to eat between 0.6g and 0.8g protein per pound lean body mass. Stop worrying about fat. Fat is the primary source of energy on keto - so make sure you’re feeding your body enough of it. You do not lose weight on keto through starvation. Drink water. Try to drink a gallon of water a day.
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