They placed a piece of gymnastic apparatus, the beam, on the floor and invited a group to walk along it. At four inches wide it posed no internal or external problems, no physical or mental difficulties. The same beam was then suspended between two tall step ladders and the group was again invited to walk along it. Reluctance spread like wildfire as the consequences were significantly raised. Falling off was now an issue as there was a prospect of pain and injury. Small losses of balance would (they thought) be magnified and lead to unsatisfactory outcomes. If that same group had been taught to walk blindfold perfectly along the beam, would height above the ground have been an issue, Many performance shortcomings can be laid at the feet of our internal dialogue, where our thoughts and words echo around the chart-room where we keep our Maps of the World. At times like this it is vital to have a strategy to deal with physical and mental distractions, and internal dialogue, in a positive way. Establish a habitual thought pattern to lead into the skill or performance process. Perform deep, abdominal breathing which gets a good supply of oxygen to the brain and around the body, helping more rational thought processing, relaxing joints and muscles so they can function properly within the requisite technique. Set up an anchor or chain of anchors to be fired at particular pressure moments. Anchors that will elicit a beneficial state of mind and/or body. Use localised trance to activate or close down certain areas of the body. Use momentary visualization to focus or override input from the five senses.
One of her good ones. LSU nailing bars, moving out ahead early. 48.900 for OSU on vault. Also not quite what was called for. Pfeiler - BB - solid loso series - good extension on that switch - hits switch side - sticks gainer full. Low score from Zamardi for LSU, but it doesn't matter for the rotation score. Arizona needs to get out of the 9.7s on floor to try to catch OSU. Didn't Cat use this same music, Sisler needs 9.850 on floor to match what Oregon State did on floor. Intros underway in Iowa. Stover finishing things out on floor - slightly awkward step on 2.5, crossover - front full to pike - good secure landing on rudi, also some legs crossed on all her twisting. These lengthy intros all over the place are making me weep for my schedule. I like how the Alabama link didn't even appear until they were reading to start the broadcast.
Georgia can pull away on floor in this one with something in the 49.3s, gain some distance over OSU and Arizona. Minneapolis winning the "come on, stream" award for this session of start times. Macadaeg is on beam, obviously we have to pay attention to that first. Supercedes everything else. small check on full turn AGAIN. GIRL. Great switch and switch ha;f - walkover to straddle is hit. Solid loso series - sticks gainer full. Cal getting underway on beam - Seilnacht hits los series - small check on dance - switch is fine - a hit down for Cal. Near stick on a yhalf for Mattson. Oh hey. beam feed at Iowa. We ca see exactly nothing. Babalis hitting her splits - stumbles forward a bit here - following a 9.850 from Reynolds. FALLS on double pike. Cannamela on beam - a couple checks. Also Owens on beam for Cal, looked like a big bend at the waist on her series but stayed on - hop back on dismount. McConkey - BB - Nebraska - leg form on series but hits securely -check on full turn - sticks 1.5. One hit.
AHHHH. You know that thing where you get so overwhelmed that you just stop everything, That happened for a second. Box hits floor for 9.850. Just Jay to get through to avoid counting the fall. Denver needs to drop a beam 9.525 from Hammen now. Cal is currently counting a 9725 on beam. Getting through but opening the door. Saw a couple checks in this beam routine from Laeng but nothing major. Richardson - BB - Cal -strong secure loso series - need a big hit from her to minimize some slight damage here - nothing devastating but they've given away a bit. Hop back on doubel tuck. Solid. What they needed. Cal is through beam and very much in this. Zoe Draghi's beam score range was 9.600-9.900. Huh, DENVER BEAM ALERT. Counting a 9.5. Advantage Minnesota. Mable FX - giant straddles, excellent finish and amplitude as always - NOOOO FAALLLL.
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