I Am A Diabetic, What Should I Eat,

Best Diabetic Diet Plan
When you are diabetic it does not mean it is the end to eating your favorite delicious foods. This may be hard to believe with a lot of materials you read telling you what foods are bad for you but you can actually eat pretty much anything. The key is healthy eating and planning what you eat to support your diabetes management plan. First you need to make healthy food choices. Eat as much fruit and vegetables especially non-starchy vegetables like carrots, broccoli and spinach. The more colorful your variations of fruits and vegetables, the healthier it becomes. You can still eat carbs but choose the whole grain kind like brown rice and whole wheat pasta instead of their processed counterparts. You can also still eat meat but choose the lean variety like pork loin, sirloin or chicken and turkey excluding the skin. Fish should also be included in your diet, at least twice or thrice a week.

Dairy can also be eaten but choose the non-fat variety. You also need to reduce your consumption of high calorie desserts like ice cream and cakes but not totally avoid them. The most important thing is portion sizes, even when eating healthy foods. There are also foods that you can choose because they are particularly good for diabetes. These foods are rich in calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium and vitamins A, E & C. Examples of these diabetes super foods are dark green leafy vegetables, beans, sweet potatoes, fruits of the citrus family and berries. Fishes that are high in omega-3 fatty acids also belong to this category. As do nuts, tomatoes and whole grains. The most important thing to remember is that there is no one-fits-all meal plan for diabetics. These are general guidelines and should be tailored to individual needs depending on blood glucose levels and other health measures for diabetics. When deciding what to eat, you should take into consideration carbohydrate content of foods, glycemic index and of course your preference. If you must, use a diabetes log book to keep track of your blood glucose levels versus your food intake. It will not only give you an indication of your blood glucose response to certain foods but will also help you in planning your meals. Keep in mind that the foods you eat are both designed to maintain healthy blood glucose, nourish you physically and provide you pleasure. This means that health comes first over pleasure and that regular, vigilant blood glucose monitoring should be part of the diet plan. The best diabetic supplies are important to assist diabetics with their diabetes. Let us help inform you on every little thing from insulin pumps to insulin pens.

I need to lose about 10-15 lbs, and she needs about 20 lbs. I really appreciate reading your pro's and con's and also the feedback from others who have tried it. I am really interesed in hearing from someone who has been on it longer, since many of the experts are saying it's okay for short term. Has it been out long enough to get any 3-4 month reviews, Congratulations on the weight loss you and your husband have experienced. I ordered the book over the holidays and received it in about a week. My husband and I have been on the diet for 1 week and have lost 5 - 7 lbs. We are happy with the diet and the recipes included in the book. I'm glad to hear that you received your book in quick time, and that you didn't let the little weight gain stop you continuing with the plan.

Good luck with the rest of your weight loss progress. I ordered the book from the web site during the holidays and still had it in 4 days. Also been on the program for a week and love it. The first couple days the scale showed a weight gain of 2 pounds. Thank for your comment. Congratulations on getting your diabetes under control without eating carbs. I truly understand where you are coming from because I am also a diabetic. Any endocrinologist will tell you that carbs are to be eaten to give you fuel and energy, it is just a case of choosing the right type of carbs to consume. Before bread and pasta became staples, man would eat protein in the form of meat and get their carbs from nuts, berries, seeds and roots vegetables, which is probably the best type of diet to follow! If we needed carbohydrates, (1)I would be dead since for a year I ate no carbohydrates in an attempt to control severe diabetes, and (2) there would be no Eskimos since they have only had carbohydrates available in recent history. In addition, what do you think man ate before we became farmers,

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