It Could Be The Wheat You Eat

Atkins Chicken Recipes
Updated on April 14, 2017 Tiana Dreymor moreI write about health, wellness and fitness. Emphasis on nutrition, exercise and non-use of prescription drugs. The goal is Optimum Health. Do you see what I see, No, it's not Christmas. You see 3 photos of the same girl. Yes, it's the same shirt. Yes, I'm a pack rat. It's with a little irony that this shirt showed up in all three pictures. God works in mysterious ways. Oh.. no, I meant I'm a pack rat. I'm not real FOND of the second photo, but it needs to be shown. It shows that in 10 years I was markedly heavier. And frustrated as I got trying to diet, I litterally gave up any sort of diet. But I did study nutrition and experimented with different ways of eating. I fell upon the Blood Type Diet, which is not a diet, but an eating regime, and you eat the foods that are beneficial to your blood type alone. There are 4 blood types: A, B, AB and O. I am type B. I didn't study the indepth design, but memorized the foods I should be eating, and those I should not.

I have followed this for the past 2 1/2 years. I relegated my bathroom scale in the basement and could only tell my weight by the way my clothes fit. But I did not follow it explicitly. Since it said the worst foods for me to eat were Chicken, Tomatoes and Corn, I wasn't too cautious when it said not to eat Wheat. And like Corn, Wheat is in everything! I HAD lost a little weight over the time I'd followed the Blood Type Diet even if I was a little lax on complicity, but I didn't lose the Belly Fat. I'd been finding it called a 'different' kind of fat, and I could never remember what it was called. No, I didn't lose a zillion pounds in 5 days. I was sick in January, while God gave me the opportunity to experience Pneumonia. If you are familiar with my Hub pages, I wrote one titled, Cure Pneumonia.

Then about a week later, I fell to food poisoning, and probably lost a little more. Okay, we are looking at March 13 now. I stumbled on the book Wheat Belly (Dr. William Davis M.D.) and ordered it reserved from my library. Well, 20 pages into it, I knew I was going 'wheat free', even though it was extremely hard reading because it was very scientifically explicit and what do I know about all those terms, I'm not a doctor! But I read between the lines enough to 'get it'! That Belly Fat is called VISCERAL Fat. That's a powerful statement! But having read his book, I find myself believing it as much as I believed in Dr. F. Batmangelhidj's book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water. And if you haven't read that, you should. I have found 'When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.' I didn't make this up. I've heard it for years.

And over the years, books have showed up out of the blue that I needed. This time, I have been asking God to show me how to get rid of the belly fat. I don't even know how I found this book, but I immediately looked it up in my library. I reserved it and there were something like 60 ahead of me. Well, there must have been a lot of copies, because it wasn't much over a week that I was notified it was ready to be picked up. Reading it was difficult because of the scientific correctness the author exhibited. I read between the lines enough to 'get it'. I know I've already said that, but that's all I can say about reading this book. I immediately stopped eating ANY wheat even before I finished the book. There are times you just KNOW this was information you were looking for, or needed even if you didn't know it. The same thing happened when I found Dr. Atkin's Vita Nutrient Book.

I had been into nutrition, vitamins and supplements for many years, but this book gave me a reference to look to any time I was unsure of what my body needed. It took THIS book to convince me I wasn't getting the hydration I needed. I always said, 'I drink coffee, pop, booze (if that was the case), I get all the fluids my body needs.' Dr. Batmanghelidj made me understand I was robbing myself with this attitude. Your body needs pure, clean, natural WATER. If you drink other beverages, you need to double up on your pure water, because these things actually cause dehydration. AFTER I gave up all dieting (diet contains the word die), I was shown this book. POISON. For my Type B, those poisonous foods were Chicken, Tomatoes and Corn. I had already quit eating corn as a vegetable, but many of the other foods containing it was difficult to eliminate.

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