Plan, Phase 1,2,3,4, Food List And Side Effects

Atkins Diet Phase 1 Recipes
What is Atkins Diet, The Atkins Nutritional Approach is a steady and highly efficient technique of diet maintenance which is followed in 4 different phases, namely Induction, Ongoing weight loss, pre-maintenance and lifetime maintenance. In spite of being distinctive in nature each phase is a development over the other. Also known as the Atkins Diet Induction process, this phase basically follows a ketogenic diet in order to usher in the state of Ketosis. Such a diet restricts the intake of carbohydrates to more than 20 g net carb per day so as to prepare the body to switch gear to an alternative energy source in order to lose excess weight and remain healthy. The normal duration of this phase is 2weeks but it may also extend up to 3weeks or more depending on the ability on the endurance ability of the individual. It also helps to come over the symptoms of high blood sugar levels such as mood swings, fatigue and brain fog. In the 1st phase the dieters are supposed to abide by the Atkins Diet menu plan which harps on the consumption of protein and fat rich food.

As the name suggests, the second phase also called the stage of Ongoing weight loss is an ongoing slow and steady process of reducing excess weight to only around one to two pounds per week. Although this phase permits the intake of carbohydrate derived from vegetables and fruits yet the measurement scale called the Critical Carbohydrate level for Losing helps dieters to keep the intake of carbohydrates within prescribed limits. There is no particular duration for this phase and it is continued by adding carbohydrates by an amount of only 5 grams a day until one gains the desired weight within five to ten pounds. This phase also helps in choosing the best among the available food options for the betterment of ones health. Once the desired weight is achieved in this phase we may proceed to the next. The third stage of this nutritional approach called the Pre-Maintenance, extends for 8-12 weeks and ironically permits the intake of carbohydrates to a greater extent than what was permitted in the 2nd phase.

Within this phase there is a measurement scale or point called the Atkins Carbohydrate Equilibrium which determines the amount of carbohydrates that one can take in without either gaining or losing weight. This phase allows us to choose the items from among those available on the Atkins Diet Carb Counter. It permits the introduction of carbohydrates slowly in the diet on the basis of the carbohydrate ladder which recommends the addition of 10-30 grams of carb per week. This phase is crucial in the sense of stabilizing the weight of the dieters as well as establishes a proper food regime which the dieters are supposed to abide by all through their life. It is also characterized by the diminishing of Ketosis. After the weight is stabilized and the perfect carbohydrate intake level is achieved, one reaches the last phase of this diet, the rules of which should be followed lifelong. The Atkins diet menu is basically restrictive for the first phase and tends to become liberal from the second phase onwards.

The Atkins Diet Sheet is given below for the systematic understanding of the dietary practice that Dr. Atkins has formulated. 2. All kinds of unprocessed fish and fish products such as of salmon, sardines, trout, sole, herring, catfish, snapper. 3. Eggs of quail, chicken, goose, etc, are allowed in the form of omelet’s, poach, fry or soft-boiled. 4. Shellfish such as of lobster, calamari, crab, oysters, shrimps, mussels, etc are permitted. Fat rich products such as butter, linseed oil, seed oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, walnut oil, soya bean oil, sesame and grape seed oil and oil extracted from sunflower are allowed. Fishes such as salmon and sardines are the source of Omega 3 fatty acids and the above mentioned meat products also contribute to the consumption of fat. Most Spices and Condiments contain sugar or maltodextrin in some form or the other. So the food list recommends spices such as garlic, pepper, dill, rosemary, oregano, sage. It also permits the dressing of salads with lemon juice, oil and vinegar. Soy sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup and cream is allowed except for yogurt.

The vegetarian Atkins diet differentiates between two kinds of vegetables, namely salad vegetables and low carb vegetables. Beverages such as herbal tea, lemon juice, cream, bouillons, club soda are permitted. But coffee and tea should not contain caffeine or sugar in any form. And Dr. Atkins suggests drinking great volumes of water which is must in the diet plan. Moreover the consumption of alcohol is restricted to a certain extent as it insidiously contains sugar and carbohydrates. Artificial Sweeteners which act as substitutes of sugar such as sucralose, saccharine, acesulfam potassium, aspartame, etc fall within the prescribed limits. Natural sweeteners such as maltose, fructose, dextrose as well as the consumption of honey or corn syrup should be avoided. Although, most of the desserts contain sugar, yet, the desserts which Atkins diet favors are low carb ice creams, specially prepared cheesecakes with splenda and other ‘creative’ home made recipes which can satisfy one’s cravings. In addition to this, the task of promoting Atkins diet products and foods has been taken up by the Atkins Diet Nutritionals which functions under the proper guidance of the master mind, Dr. Atkins.

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