Slashing Carbs And Putting Healthy Fats Back On The Menu

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The ahead-of-its-time CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet captured mass attention 12 years ago with a diet based on the science of its day, allowing about 200g of carbohydrates a day and 35 per cent of total fat. 34.99)released this week controversially reverses the traditional food pyramid, and the convincing science behind it may finally silence raging debate over low-carb and high-protein diets. For CSIRO followers in 2017, greater satisfaction is guaranteed by 60 per cent total fats, compared with 35 per cent in the original diet. But this book is not just about diet, insist co-authors Adelaide dietitian Pennie Taylor and Associate Professor Grant Brinkworth. Ms Taylor, the senior research dietitian at CSIRO Health Biosecurity in Adelaide, says the aim was to improve the metabolic profiles, particularly of people with Type 2 diabetes. “When we looked at the research, we wanted to go beyond the weight loss, that the Total Wellbeing diet, as well as this book, can actually achieve,” she says.

The book is about “evolving science”, gleaned from new and comprehensive low-carb diet trials in Australia and based on evidence collected in at least 40 independent clinical trials from top-tier academic institutions around the world. It effectively gives us another variation of a high-protein eating pattern “that further reduces carbohydrate and increases healthy fats”. The authors say the benefits of weight-loss and improved metabolic health, blood glucose control and diabetes management can cut the need for diabetes medication by 40 per cent. Being able to sustain the diet is a major benefit of the new formula, says Ms Taylor. “A diet high in good fats blunts off the appetite and helps eliminate cravings,” she says. The 50g carb allowance also allows for sufficient fibre, “because not enough fibre in your diet can lead to bowel cancer”. “And, if I couldn’t cook it, or shop for it, I didn’t want to put it in there,” she says of the 80 recipes complementing the meal plans, shopping lists, exercises, chapters on understanding hunger, appetite, and health markers.

The 50g of carb a day, means the diet is “nutritionally complete”. Yes, it does include breads and some whole grains, and lean protein, but there also is a big bump in leafy greens. By the time CSIRO trial participants were on 60g of carb a day, she says it was clear that many were deviating within the plan, “getting comfortable with it”, and making it fit their days, without going over the count. “The 50g six-week start gets the body and mind used to this way of eating,” she says, intimating the next level of 70g would feel like luxury, yet still look after your health. TAKE a good look at your pantry. Use the food list in the book and stock it so that there is always suitable food on hand. CHECK with your health consultant that the diet is suitable for you, particularly if you are on any medication. INVOLVE people around you to gather support. Help them understand the health aspects, and why you are following this diet. Starts with 50g carb a day, increasing to 70g over 12 weeks. Most foods retained, with fibre from some bread and grains, but not pasta. A strict four-phase plan developed about 40 years ago, starts with at least two weeks on less than 20g carbs a day if you have more than 7kg to lose. Allows 30-40g “net” carbs a day, which is carbs minus the fibre count, gradually increasing after weight loss. A paleolithic or hunter-gatherer diet that begins with a 10-week program based on low-carb and organic foods. A strict “attack” phase, 1-7 days, where even salad vegetables aren’t allowed. Unlimited lean protein, plus 1.5 tbs oat bran per day. Carbs slowly introduced over three more phases.

This hub is just another push in that direction. Thanks Laura, I too want to tell as many people as possible. Thanks for your infomative hub. I have looked into this before and totally agree. I'm glad you like it, feel free to repost it on your facebook. This is a great post. I use agave nectar as a substitute in my tea and coffee and it is healthier and taste great! I agree to a point. I say that because I do believe that we are starving ourselves of certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients simply because the food that is being grown is depleted or manipulated. However, removing sugar from my diet has made a HUGE difference. I know that if I had not removed the sugar from my diet but improved the other areas I would not have seen such a big improvement. I would say refined sugar is one part of a bigger problem. I think the real issue is that we are starving our bodies of nutrients and vitamins--and I don't mean the stuff the body simply can't use, not those those types of vitamins and nutrients.

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