Pay attention to all that is around you. Commanding. Listen to what is being said, but also tune-in to what is not being said. Have your 'thinking cap' and 'listening ears' on in order for your vision to become crystal clear. Unprocessed information or interesting news comes your way that helps steer your direction. Communicating keeps you mentally active and quick, allowing you to become clever, confident and brave in your presentation. Assumption and avoidance confuse you from reaching your goal. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Knight of Swords: Negotiating with a calm approach is encouraged. Creative problem-solving with sharp thinking brings you a practical solution or insight to an ongoing problem. Hypothetical concepts and analyzation allows you to strategize your proposal and game plan. Shrewdness with grace charms those that surround you. Your words have much power, and less is more. Your friendly demeanor allows you to be well-liked. Dare to voice your thoughts and opinions. Say what you mean. Heroism with righteous anger.
Stand up for what you believe in. You are outgoing and step up to the plate with strong ideals and gallantry. With good character and truth, triumph over opposition is yours. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) The Devil: The Trickster. Destiny and happiness is determined by your choices. Overwhelmed with gluttony and greed. You are powerless because of unhealthy needs and obsessions. You lack trust with your higher source. You can be easily seduced with material wealth, while sacrificing your morals and integrity now. You get what you pay for. We lose a piece of ourselves. Nothing comes for free, as there are string attached. Confusion. Addiction. You may settle for a 'get rich quick' and 'fast and easy' plan to avoid hard work and dedication - that builds character. Avoidance of labor. Lust. Be careful of what you wish for. Selling your soul to the devil. You may experience struggles now, and see no way out of paradise when surrendering to temptations.
Bondage. Resistance with commitment to yourself, is necessary to escape the illusions that feed you. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Nine of Cups: Wishes fulfilled. What have you been hoping and praying for, manifests. An unanswered prayer. Happiness is in bloom, and you beam with love and joy. Difficulties are removed. Abundance. You have the advantage that creates satisfaction and success. End of an emotional cycle. Energy is harmonized with inner peace, confidence, and security. Being at the right place and the right time. Surrounded by much love. Lucky you. Your cup hath over-floweth. A time for rest and enjoyment. Lounging in pleasure. Good friend, good spirits, good conversation, and good life! The Gods look down fondly on you. You are blessed with gratitude and appreciation. CANCER (June 21-July 22) The Tower: Purification. Cosmic direction. A rapid change that pulls the rug from beneath your feet. Let go of old values. New foundation. Reconstructing old plans and getting back to the blueprints, to create a new design for your life. Catastrophic transformation. What you have been building, was not constructed on firm ground.
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